Well, we are halfway through the month of May and we're halfway through our series of bad 4th movies in a film franchise...something we like to call "May the 4's Be With You"! Cuervo, you are gonna need lots and lots of Cuer…
Hey listners, it's that time of year again...while the month of May usually brings Star Wars fans together to celebrate May the 4th, we like to do things our way and that is a month-long celebration of watching bad movies! T…
So, what does Werner Herzog have in common with Kirsten Dunst and Christoper Guest? If you said, nothing...you'd be wrong for all of them have been in films from one of our favorite genres! Tonight, we three geeks take a loo…
Tonight, the Three Geeky Dads bring you the BIG BRAWL...The BATTLE BETWEEN THE BIG BEASTS and, no, we're not just talking about the Dads' usual arguing amongst themselves (well, yes we do have that) but, tonight the Dads br…